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Written collaboratively by Ryan Samuel; Prakash Poudel; Crystal Levesque, SDSU Associate Professor-Swine Nutrition; and Benoit St. Pierre, SDSU Assistant Professor. Weaned pigs have an immature gut and microbiome, which can impact digestion and absorption of nutrients. Digestive enzyme activities are...
312-242-7905  Wednesday, May 11, 2022  GRAINS:  The grain board is higher as the trade comes to grips with several fundamental items. First, the war will not end soon, it’s becoming a war of attrition. Second, more than 70% of the corn crop will...
Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus (Strep zoo) is most commonly identified as a commensal bacterium of horses. Strep zoo was first reported as a severe clinical disease in swine in Canada in the spring of 2019.  This Manitoba case occurred...
There are several ways to evaluate feed cost and feed performance in wean-to-market pigs. Each method can provide a very different answer for the producer on what is the “BEST” way to feed a pig. In a perfect world...
A recent report by showed that pork sales dropped sharply at China’s largest online shopping marts. Taobao, TMall and JD collectively sold 414.81 tons of pork products in March, which was unchanged from February, but down 52.1% from...
Growing and finishing pigs require access to feed and water for growth. Two main types of feeders are found in swine barns, namely dry feeders and wet-dry feeders. The conventional dry feeders provide feed only, and water is accessed...
Source: Janzen Ag Law While we are all watching “the big one”—California’s Prop 12, which is now being considered by the U.S. Supreme Court—other state livestock proposals have popped up across the country. Some, if enacted, could put livestock farms...
Abstract The goal of this study was to evaluate survival of important viral pathogens of livestock in animal feed ingredients imported daily into the United States under simulated transboundary conditions. Eleven viruses were selected based on global significance and impact to...
Sharp Drop in Open Interest in Live Cattle Futures   By Dennis Smith   312-242-7905  Tuesday, April 26, 2022  GRAINS:  The U.S. winter wheat crop is poor with ratings the lowest since 1989. Too bad because the world is going to need wheat. Only 7%...
We recently had a tract of land in my county that was sold to a land investment company. The selling price was over $12,000 per acre–outbidding any local farmer. I took a step back and while I have heard...
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