Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Melt down. Wheat is down over 80 cents. Corn was down only a few cents in the early action this morning but is currently down 25 cents. Soybeans, after losing 46 cents yesterday, are down another...
Financial Times opinion columnist Rana Foroohar indicated yesterday that, “We know that the war in Ukraine has led to sharp increases in prices for both food and fuel. This in turn has sparked concern that we may see a...
Japan Expands U.S. Beef Safeguard
By Dennis Smith
Friday, March 25, 2022
Cash palm oil was flat overnight, but palm oil futures closed higher. Early trade on soybean oil is lower but the market is trading 70 points off the overnight lows....
Quick facts
Feeder design and access is the main factor affecting pig feed intake of a nutritionally-balanced diet to meet their nutrient needs. If pigs don’t eat enough of their diet, their growth performance is at risk despite the diet’s...
What is the best way to house sows? Is it gestation crates? Is it group housing? Is it outdoor living? I hope to answer why pig farmers use gestation crates. For most people, sow housing raises a lot of...
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
As the war continues reports are indicating that spring acreage in Ukraine devoted to crops will be down at least 30% from normal. Yield, regardless of weather, will be down with fertilizer in very short supply....
In Canada, there are approximately 4 million cases of food borne illness each year. Salmonella is the third highest cause of infectious food borne illness with 88,000 cases identified per year. This results in 925 hospitalizations per year. Fortunately...
Yes, our pigs live in barns, and I will tell you why. If we lived in a utopian world, I would have no problem with our pigs living outdoors. In fact, I probably would live outdoors right alongside them. A Utopian...
Gabriel T. Rubin reported on the front page of Friday’s Wall Street Journal that, “Rising energy, food and services prices pushed already elevated U.S. inflation to a 7.9% annual rate last month—another four-decade high—with oil and commodity market disruptions...
2021 China Hog Market Key Statistics
Hog Stock: According to official data, China has 449.22 million hogs at year end 2021, up 10.5% from prior year. It is noticeable that current hog stock level has already exceeded that of the...