Monthly Cold Storage Supportive to Meat Complex
By Dennis Smith
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Wheat futures are stretching their legs this morning, moving up to a one-month high. There’s some moisture for wheat country in the 6 to 10-day. However, the market is reacting...
Lameness issues continue to be a significant problem in sow herds, causing 40% to 50% of all sow removals, according to Bill Minton, DVM, Four Star Veterinary Service in Chickasaw, Ohio.
“What hurts most is when the culling for lameness...
US pig producers have made a big push to eliminate Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mhp) from their herds as a way to capture more value in finishing pigs, said Melissa Hensch, DVM, director of health and animal care at The...
Daniel Columbus, Michael Wellington, and Jade Sands
Prairie Swine Centre, Inc.
Creep Feeding Inconsistencies
Creep feeding is a common practice throughout the pork industry. There are a number of perceived benefits, including provision of nutrients, higher weaning weight, and improved transition at...
By Dennis Smith
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
I had a nice day off. Wheat prices bottomed out while I was away. What a pleasant development. A Russian invasion of Ukraine looks imminent. Nothing is in the way to stop him. The disruption to the...
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It is economically and technically infeasible for producers to exclude all pathogens from their herds. Instead producers aim for minimal disease status; expending resources to exclude specific pathogens and control the ones they already have. Maintaining a...
Dylan Lape, DVM
Pork Veterinary Solutions
June 6, 2021
As Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Now you might think what in the world does that have to do with choosing...
When a sow doesn’t reach her full potential, the cost to the farm and the cost to the income stream of the sow herd is often “grossly underestimated,” said John Deen, DVM, PhD a professor at the University...
By Dennis Smith
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Grains are slightly lower in the early trade. Today is dump day, the USDA will dump a huge amount of data on the market at 11:00. The tables are located in the evening livestock wire....
he USDA’s December Hogs and Pigs report places the December 1 inventory of all hogs and pigs at 74.2 million head, down about 1% from last quarter and 4% lower than the same time last year, compared to an...