here has never been a time in history with as much going on in food safety and food law. Scott Haskell lists over 20 issues that industry and regulators need to look out for in 2022. How many of...
A resurgence of the F18 strain of Escherichia coli (E. coli) in weaned pigs on a growing number of hog farms is causing a rise in mortality and a reduction in performance, according to Doug Powers, DVM, Four Star...
Hogs...Where there’s smoke....there’s fire!
By Dennis Smith
Friday, January 7, 2022
Where there is smoke there is fire. The hog market smells of smoke. We believe there’s a serious drop in production coming from both a domestic and global perspective. We are highly confident...
Influenza A viruses (IAVs) are recognized as one of the most common respiratory disease agents in pigs. There was a time prior to the early 1980’s when IAV was not present in Ontario. The classic H1N1 IAV strain made...
By Dennis Smith
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
The grain board is pulling back after a huge rally yesterday. Soybean oil is the only commodity higher on the board. Palm oil prices continue to move higher. In...
In 2022, the National Pork Board will focus on five goals, which are all based on strengthening collaboration with partners across the industry.
1. Support a Coordinated National Strategy for FAD Prevention and Preparedness
This year, the Pork Checkoff will focus...
As 2021 winds down, it’s time to think of next year–thus, My Top 8 Wish List for 2022.
1. Farming
This is a big topic. I know I can’t do it justice but I will try to sum up a few...
By Dennis Smith
Thursday, December 30, 2021
Unexpected rain in dry portions of south America has triggered fresh selling in soybeans overnight. Imagine that; rain. Projections overnight pegged the Brazil soy crop somewhere north of 140 MMT, record large. The crop is also about 20 days ahead of average meaning...
The pork industry is wrapping up a pretty good year for most producers financially. For most of the year, and particularly in the summer of 2022, market hog prices were strong. They outpaced higher costs of feed and production....
Last week, Bloomberg News reported that, “China’s reaffirmation of a long-term goal to be almost entirely self-sufficient in pork production means it will keep scooping up global grain supplies to feed the world’s largest pig herd.
“The country, which consumes half...