Following the discovery of the H5N1 influenza virus in dairy cattle in March, the University of Minnesota Extension, working with virus specialists from the College of Veterinary Medicine, put together a small H5 virus working group to monitor the...
The three primary nutrients pigs need to thrive are water, feed, and air. Proper ventilation is important because it reduces gaseous buildup, removes excessive moisture or humidity, and maintains ideal thermal neutral zones.
Traditionally, swine facilities were equipped with a...
By Chris Elvidge, PigTek
Ventilation systems in swine production have come a long way from basic airflow management to sophisticated technologies that play a crucial role in optimizing swine health, productivity, and overall barn efficiency. As demands on producers increase...
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Minnesota Winter . . . On days like this, I envy the pigs. They don’t know it is -11 degrees out. I, on the other hand, do. And I am feeling it. The good news is that our...
The swine industry is evolving under pressure to reduce antibiotic use, emphasizing the need to explore alternative strategies to support pig health and performance. Among these, the role of amino acids as functional nutrients has gained significant attention. While...
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For those interested I hold a weekly livestock webinar on Tuesdays and my next webinar...
Indiana corn prices during the first half of this year averaged $4.54 per bushel. Since June, prices have dropped sharply. The most recent WASDE report indicates that corn prices could remain low for the foreseeable future. Using the farmdoc...
Ensuring Pig Nutrition When Life Gets Busy
It’s one of the most wonderful times of the year, and no it’s not Christmas, it’s harvest time! Corn stalks flying and bean stubble being made is a farmer’s dream and at the...
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For those interested I hold a weekly livestock webinar on Tuesdays and my next webinar...