USA – Default

USA – Default This week Pat and Mike discuss volatile grain markets along with a dive into the hog market. Pat broke down the supply and demand situation in the hog market well in this weeks podcast.
Making a career choice can be challenging, especially when we are still young and inexperienced. When we bring that discussion into the swine industry in particular, we realize that not many students know all the possibilities on the table...
Play Episode Download (16.7 MB) In the podcast Swine Extension Educator Sarah Schieck Boelke speaks with Zach Uter, University of Minnesota graduate student about research he did looking at estimating the impact of swine feedlots on residential...
Pat and Mike discuss a volatile start to 2023. The Ag commodity markets are being influenced heavily by outside markets today. Listen in to hear what Pat has to say about that and the hog market in a new...
Pork Industry Report - M. Wright NPPA President/Pork Month
SwineCast 1202 Show Notes: Economic sanctions have sparked expansion of Russian pork production to the point where export to China is likely. The At the Meeting team learns about Russia's swine industry with Brad Heron, director of pork operations...
As we know, animal agriculture is a global industry. But when we look at the global landscape, we have to understand that our markets are different depending on what continent, what country, or even within a country, what state...
In the podcast Swine Extension Educator Sarah Schieck Boelke speaks with current University of Minnesota graduate student Edward Yang about his Ph.D. research. Edward’s Ph.D. research is looking at how feeding programs can affect the sustainability of pork production.  
You probably already know that we are facing a global banking crisis, as it has been widely reported all over the news. However, this is not a recent problem – as a matter of fact, the current situation began...
In the ever-evolving world of the swine industry, addressing the needs of both producers and animals at each stage is paramount. From gestation crates to group housing, challenges arise in managing swine effectively. To shed light on it, I...
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