About the Guest
Tony Simpson brings more than 23 years of experience leading and investing in companies in agribusiness and animal health. In 2015, Tony founded AgTech Advisors, LLC, a consulting firm focused on supporting entrepreneurs and investors in the...
This month, longtime friend of the podcast, Matt Romoser, a swine field specialist for Iowa State University, along with a new voice for our listeners, Derek Henningsen, who is the gilt flow manager for JBS Live Pork, join us...
This weeks podcast hosted live from this weeks South Dakota Pork Congress in Sioux Falls SD. We were honored to host Brett Kaysen PhD Sr. VP of Producer & State Engagement on the National Pork Board. Listen in to...
Pork Industry Report - Jane Stone NPPA Director of Domestic Marketing, Bacon Burbon & Brews
SwineCast 1254 Show Notes:
U.S. swine producers will face continued economic challenges for the first portion of 2024, with a reduction in feed costs arriving by summer. But producers will still need to improve herd health and make their...
Welcome to Barn Talk What happens at the barn, Stays in the barn, But not today! We’re letting it all out! Today, we discuss GMO grain VS. Non GMO grain, cash crop opportunities, carbon tax on farmers & much,...
Pork Industry Report - NPPA Ex. Dir. Al Juhnke - Legislation Session
About the Guest
Dr. Chris Richards is the Managing Director of ASX listed Apiam Animal Health Ltd, which through its 74 clinics (365 veterinarians) provide veterinary services across regional and rural Australia. Dr Richards graduated as a veterinarian from the University...
On this our 50th episode of the Pig Edge podcast, we reflect on the strengths of our industry and look to the opportunities that lie ahead.
Heather Peppard, Nutritionist with Brett Brothers, and Roy Gallie,
Today, we have a dynamic duo—Swine Consultant and Pork Producer Chris VanBeek and Jeff Hoogendoorn from Professional Ag Marketing. Get ready for a rapid-fire discussion on market volatility!
First up, our experts dive into the Current Market Weights and the...