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Swine producers have long strived to optimize growth and reduce input costs. Over the last decade, DNA Genetics has been able to successfully reduce feed costs for producers by a 50 lb. bag of feed per pig in finishing....
Welcome to Barn Talk What happens at the barn, Stays in the barn, But not today! We’re letting it all out! Today, we have a Barn Talk Hot Topics episode. In this one we discuss the Israel vs. Palestine...
Pork Industry Report - S. Lentfer Sitzman Scholarship/Ambassador Program. Applications now being accepted.
This week Jeff and Mike discuss the soymeal market and its contract highs. They also discuss the hog market and the impact money flow has had on the recent selloff. Listen in to their take on fund money positioning...
About the Guest José de Jesús is senior director of multicultural marketing at the National Pork Board. He is responsible for building awareness of pork specifically to multicultural consumers – Hispanic, African American and Asian American audiences. He oversees multicultural...
The effect of lactation diets supplemented with a feed flavor on sow and litter performance Mikayla Spinler 2023 Midwest ASAS Meeting
Pork Industry Report - S. Hoefer - Pork Industry in Denmark
SwineCast 1249 Show Notes: Decreases in pork production in other EU countries have created growth opportunities for Spanish pork producers, but the potential for increasing regulation and declining consumption of pork are causing concern. Both threats could drive significant...
Episode Details 1. The US Industry Continues to suffer 2. The September USDA Report 3. China/Europe update 4. Predictions for 2024
About the Guests Sid Rooda spent his formative years on a family farm in South East Iowa and demonstrated an early aptitude for farming, renting his first farm at the tender age of 18. In 1962, he tied the knot...
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