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Welcome to Barn Talk What happens at the barn, Stays in the barn, But not today! We’re letting it all out! Today, we have a Barn Talk Q&A episode. We discuss: the future of the American family farm, how...
Pork Industry Report 11/25/2023 J. Stone Give a Ham Kickoff
Pork Industry Report - Bill Luckey USMEF Meeting Revi
About the Guest Kiersten Hafer is a business strategy executive with a proven track record of navigating and aligning market trends, business goals and organizational priorities to deliver high impact, actionable solutions accelerating growth for brands and businesses.   Hafer leads the Strategy and...
This week corn futures made new lows and the soybean market finally took notice and rallied with meal. After weak CPI data the USD crashed and commodities rallied. Listen in to Pat and Mike this week as they wrap...
SwineCast 1251 Show Notes: Recruiting the next generation of swine veterinarians is challenging, which puts the future of swine health at risk. The At The Meeting team talks with Dr. Chris Richards (Managing Director, Apiam Animal Health) about how...
Pork Industry Report - Al Juhnke, Leg Update
About the Guest Boyd Rice, a seasoned professional with 33 years of experience in the swine industry, earned his Bachelor’s degree in Animal Science from Texas Tech University. During his university years, he not only served on the Livestock Judging...
Joining the PigX Podcast this month are Dr. Chris Rademacher, a Swine Extension Veterinarian and the AssociateDirector for the Iowa Pork Industry Center, and Dr. Daniel Linhares, an Associate Professor and theDirector of Graduate Education for Iowa State University’s...
This week Pat and Mike discuss the bump in harvest pace, erratic movement in cutout and a update on exports.
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