NPPA donates 2 swine simulators to Northeast Community College
About the Guests
Ross Bernstein is the bestselling author of 40 sports books including The Code and I Love Brett Favre/I Hate Brett Favre. He has appeared on more than 1,000 local and national television and radio programs. His work has...
This week Pat and Mike discuss the hog market setback on Thursday and Friday ahead of this weeks Hogs and Pigs report. Listen in to hear the pre report estimates along with Pats take on outside markets and what...
Matt Romoser, Swine Extension Specialist, and Dr. Spenser Becker, Nutritionist at AB Vista, discuss all things related to gilt nutrition. Take a listen to the September episode of the PigX Podcast to learn about setting realistic gilt development nutrition...
Effect of increasing manganses from Mn hydroxychloride on growth performance carcass characteristics of grow-finish pigs
Hilario Cordoba
2023 Midwest ASAS Meeting
SwineCast 1245 Show Notes:
The Swine Disease Reporting System (SDRS) invited Dr. Craig Bowen (Purdue University) to discuss Purdue’s Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory contributions, motivations to join the SDRS project, and the expected benefits for swine stakeholders.
This SwineCast...
About the Guests
Mike Telford is a senior executive with more than 35 years of experience in organization management including associations, foundations and for-profit subsidiaries. His credited commitment to the pork industry is evident with Telford Consulting, LLC, where he...
Welcome to Barn Talk! What happens at the barn, stays in the barn, but not today! We’re letting it all out. We have some interesting topics to discuss. From the lack of customer service and the disconnect between decision-makers...
This week Jeff and Mike discussed the September WASDE report along with the potential for this hog market rally. WASDE, cutout, and December futures were at the top of the list this week.
Episode Details
1. We discuss U.S Hog Weights
2. We discuss Europe Prices
3. We discuss the Duroc breed
4. We discuss how US Pork is 9lb lighter then a year ago