Effect of Drip Cooling on Sow Body Weight and Litter Performance During Summer
Zhong-Xing Rao
2023 Midwest ASAS Meeting
SwineCast 1234 Show Notes:
Dr. Tyler Te Grotenhuis (Christensen Farms) and Dr. Mike Eisenmenger (recently retired from the Swine Vet Center) discuss with the At The Meeting team how to implement biosecurity on nursery-grow-finish sites.
On ‘At the Meeting’,...
The worldwide swine industry is heavily affected by Mycoplasma, a disease that reduces growth rates, increases medication costs, and decreases productivity. Therefore, various programs have been developed to combat its adverse effects, including better management practices, strict biosecurity measures,...
Dr. Lee Schulz, Iowa State University associate professor discusses market insights with Susan Littlefield, Rural Radio Network reporter and partner of NPB about the current market, industry challenges, export markets and what to expect as we head into the...
Have you ever heard about bacteriophages and how they can benefit the swine industry? To sum it up, bacteriophages are specialized viruses that possess the ability to infect and destroy bacteria, thus playing a crucial role in combating pathogens...
What can you expect to learn from this episode of Popular Pig?
Recent news within the industry.
New technologies that will be at the World Pork Expo.
What we are looking forward to.
This week Jeff and Mike discuss the recovering hog market. Prop 12, cutout, weights, sow liquidation, and much more.
SwineCast 1233 Show Notes:
The Swine Disease Reporting System team features special guest Dr. Maria Clavijo (Iowa State University) to discuss Streptococcus suis dynamics, diagnostic process, and interventions to control the clinical expression of this pathogen.
This SwineCast episode...
1. We discuss how the North American Swine Liquidation will be monumental.
2. We discuss more Prop 12 reaction.
3. We review the upcoming World Pork Expo and Genesus unveiling the 2023 World Mega Producers list.
4. We review if we can...
Jessica Acosta Ph. D student, discusses the Concentration of digestible energy in corn-based diets fed to gestating and lactating sows is increased by adding xylanase to the diets. Adapted from a presentation at the 2023 ASAS Midwestern Section meeting,...