Luke Wells and Mike Minor discuss the fed hike, grain markets movement, and a hog market that just wont stop bleeding. Listen in to hear what Luke had to say about a struggling market... Is it demand or supply?......
Influenza viruses are a huge concern for swine producers around the globe: firstly, because they cause high levels of illness in the herds; secondly, because they are very contagious and evolve very quickly. Although swine (and human) influenza viruses...
About the Guests
Bob Ruth is the vice president of the National Pork Board of directors. He is the past president for Country View Family Farms, a farrow-to-finish farm with 110,000 sows. Now retired, Bob served as the senior vice...
Luke invites on a special guest Matt Wolfe live from the Iowa Pork Congress.
SwineCast 1221 Show Notes:
The Swine Disease Reporting System team features special guest Dr. Clayton Johnson (Carthage Veterinary Services) for an update on the recent data collected by the SDRS.
This SwineCast episode shares the most recent report number...
In this episode, hosted by Randy Leete from the APC team, Dr. Martin Mohr, Owner and Veterinarian at Mohr Vet and Mohr Vet Research, discusses the major issues related to swine mortality, as well as strategies to reduce and...
It is common knowledge that any biosecurity program must be well designed to both minimize the impact of endemic pathogens to which the herds have been exposed and fend off pathogens to which they have not come into contact...
About the Guest
Lifelong pig and grain farmer, Dave Klocke is the founder and President of PigEasy, LLC, a swine equipment company that provides innovative solutions to improve pigs’ well-being and boost producers’ profit potential. In 2013, Dave and his...
Episode Details:
1. We the USDA Hogs and Pigs Report
2. We discuss China's Hog Prices
3. We talk about the article: The Pork Industry Needs Its Wagyu Moment
4. We discuss the upcoming Iowa Pork Congress
Luke and Mike talk about the market reaction after the wasde report last week. The hog market is working to get current, product values are dropping like a rock, and the futures are bobbing to find support.