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This week Mike and Jeff bring in a special episode on todays Hogs and Pigs report.
SwineCast 1198 Show Notes: Bill Even, CEO at National Pork Board, opens up the 2022 Pork Academy at the World Pork Expo with a coffee talk on sustainability, foreign animal disease, labor, and trade.
In this episode of SwineTime, host Dr. Spencer Wayne and PIPESTONE CEO Dr. Luke Minion answer all your big burning questions: what’s to come in the pork industry next year? What’s new with PIPESTONE? And will Luke ever run...
In this episode, hosted by Randy Leete from the APC team, Dr. Martin Mohr, Owner and Veterinarian at Mohr Vet and Mohr Vet Research, discusses the major issues related to swine mortality, as well as strategies to reduce and...
Jeff and Mike discuss the October WASDE results and its impact on the grain markets. To wrap up this weeks podcast they also discuss the hog market moves along with a glimpse into current fundamentals.
We are joined by Dr. Cesar Corzo of the University of Minnesota to talk about our old enemy, PRRS. In his role as the Allen D Leman Chair, Swine Health and Productivity, Dr. Corzo routinely interacts with industry stakeholders...
About the Guest Distinguished Service Award Winner Dr. Paul Sundberg retired in 2023 from his notable career, which included practicing veterinary medicine, working for national pork industry organizations and leading the Swine Health Information Center (SHIC). The award is selected by past presidents of...
Effects of replacing lactose with novel carbohydrate soures on feed intake preference in nursery pigs Rafe Royall 2023 Midwest ASAS Meeting
The hog market has trended sideways for the last 10 days. Listen in to Luke and Mike discuss what is brewing in this hog market. WASDE, cutout, holidays, catch it all this week.
Most people think their path is linear. Go to school, get your degree and land your dream job. But what people neglect to consider are the forks in the road that can lead to great experiences. In this episode, two...
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