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Why the topic of innovation and innovative culture matters. Why patterns can be dangerous even when they are formed through success. Why people fear the concept and practice of innovation. The story of Kodak “The Kings of Photography” ...
Zach Rambo, Business Manager from Zinpro joins us to discuss and recap on the 2022 World Pork Expo. We learn about Zinpro and what makes then unique and stand out as a benefit to Pork Producers. We listen to...
Dr. Bryan Myers has gained quite the experience and wisdom from being a veterinarian for the last 34 years. In these years, he has seen the serious effects of various diseases that have infected the swine industry. He is...
This week Mike Minor and Luke wells give a current update on these active markets. Outside market influences have made large impacts on the grain markets recently. Volatility is ramping up in the ag markets. Check out what Luke...
 Blake Wilson, and Adam Burnsed join us to discuss and recap on the 2022 World Pork Expo. We learn about what makes each company unique, there analysis from the show as well as what they were promoting and what...
Effects of providing a liquid sensory attractant to suckling pigs in lactation and after weaning on post-weaning pig performance Ty Kim 2022 Midwest ASAS Meeting
About the Guest Currently the Business Unit Specialist for Water Treatment at Neogen Corporation, Jesse develops and implements water treatment chemicals and programs to aid in production animal health in poultry, swine, and ruminants. Jesse assists Neogen’s partners in the field...
SwineCast 1198 Show Notes: Bill Even, CEO at National Pork Board, opens up the 2022 Pork Academy at the World Pork Expo with a coffee talk on sustainability, foreign animal disease, labor, and trade.
 Decreasing swine mortality still tends to be the largest opportunity for farmers to increase overall profitability, which is why it is important that we understand all the factors that play into herd health. Dr. Chris Rademacher and I address...
This week Mike has on Jeff from Professional Ag Marketing. This weeks outline is as follows below. Sluggish exportsPlant
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