Any industry expert knows how nerve-racking it can be to start your first job after graduate school or veterinary school. Everyone expects you to be an expert and have all the answers, but there are some things you are...
About the Guest
Dr. Adian Balaban is the executive director of Pork & Co., Cooperativa Silistea Productie Suine, which is also a genetic multiplier for Topigs Norsvin. Additionally, Dr. Balaban serves as the President of the Romanian Association of Swine...
This week Jeff from Professional Ag Marketing goes over the recent cold storage report. An increase in cold storage at a time with lower pork production, and lower prices is worrisome. Listen in to hear Jeffs take on protein...
In this episode, we are excited to share The Real P3’s Co-Founder, Willem Steyn, and SwiNE Nutrition Management’s Inaugural Swine Research Day. We also have Chantel Pennicott back on the podcast. She has been both an Extern for The...
Welcome to Barn Talk, No dumb questions addition. We are pulling the curtain back on the dark, dusty corners of our minds to answer anything and everything that interested listeners like you want to know. Pay the fee!
Barn Talk...
About the Guest
Dr. Adian Balaban is the executive director of Pork & Co., Cooperativa Silistea Productie Suine, which is also a genetic multiplier for Topigs Norsvin. Additionally, Dr. Balaban serves as the President of the Romanian Association of Swine...
SwineCast 1195 Show Notes: The Swine Disease Reporting System team has a conversation with Dr. Dustin Oedekoven (Chief Veterinarian at National Pork Board and President of the United States Animal Health Association) about swine diseases and Dr. Oedekoven's role...
Episode Details:
1. We discuss the National Swine Congress in Mexico
2. We discuss Genesus at the British Pig & Poultry Fair
3. Preview of the World Pork Expo
4. Summary of Global Pork Production
This week the hog market finally found a little support. Better cash along with cutout finally showing signs of support led the way. Listen in to hear what Luke Wells has to say about the current hog fundamentals.
We all know about the importance of calcium and phosphorus in the diet, but can we be more precise with our feeding techniques? In this episode with Laura and Dr. Tom Crenshaw, they discuss Tom’s work by diving deeper...