In this gripping episode of In Swine Versation, delve into the extraordinary journey of Dr. Daniel Gascho, a trailblazing veterinarian from Four Star Veterinary Services. From his Indiana roots to becoming the first to diagnose Strep. equi in the...
Cheryl Walsh, a fourth-generation producer from Princeville, Illinois, was announced as the 2024 President of the Illinois Pork Producers Association (IPPA) during their annual meeting. Walsh owns and operates Cowser Inc., a comprehensive agricultural enterprise in Peoria County, encompassing...
Leon Sheets, the distinguished pig farmer and's field reporter, delivers an insightful and captivating report directly from the heart of the Iowa Pork Congress. In "Sow Special," Sheets dives into the Congress's sow-focused highlights, featuring interviews with industry...
🎙️ Join us in congratulating Ken Maschhoff on his SwineWeb Hall of Fame induction! In this exclusive episode:
🚀 Journey Start: Ken reflects on humble beginnings in pig farming.
🏆 Success Secrets: Discover the key factors behind Ken's remarkable...
Welcome to a groundbreaking episode where we delve into the future of swine nutrition with "Gut Revolution: Unleashing the Power of a Novel Swine-Origin Probiotic with EFFICOR™." Join us with Dr. Tom Weber, a key contributor to the development...
Get ready for an exclusive Hall of Fame Induction interview featuring Swine Hall of Fame inductees Kent and Barry Holden, esteemed 2024 co-inductees into the Swine Web Hall of Fame. Join us on this insightful journey as they share...
Welcome to a riveting episode of "Guardians of Swine Health," where we embark on a journey through the intricate tapestry of swine health. Joining us today is the esteemed Dr. Gisele from Lanxess, a beacon in the field of...
Explore the groundbreaking strides in swine health with Dr. Scott Dee as we delve into the podcast, "Breaking Barriers in Swine Health: Charting New Frontiers." In this episode, we unravel the remarkable journey towards sustained control of Porcine Reproductive...
Dive into an enlightening episode featuring Jim Long as we reflect on the triumphs and tribulations of 2023 while peering into the promising landscape of the swine industry's future.
Optimistic Outlook for 2024:
Join us for a positive review...
Welcome to another episode of In Swine Versation with Bill Even, the CEO of the National Pork Board. In this episode, we dive deep into Bill's journey, insights, and the state of the pork industry.
CEO Journey and Perspective: