Matthew Rooda, the Founder and Chief Executive office at Swine Tech joins us to discuss this award.
Welcome to Barn Talk, Q&A edition. In today’s episode we’re answering your questions. We cover our thoughts on 9-11, hog barn cash flow, update on Prop 12 law, billionaire land investors & much, much more. Pay the fee!
Catch up on the latest Newscast for all the trends, news, and latest happenings in the Swine Industry.
Join me as I check in with Malcolm DeKryger, President of Belstra Milling.
We touch on Malcolm's story and history. He talks about how employee relations are important and the new book they created "Belstra Field Guide" . We talk...
Trends in hog building design with wean to finish swine facilities. The Integrity Estimators come together to talk about:
-Hog barn fast alley gating
-Wet Dry Feeder increasingly being designed into finishing barns
-Solid slats as an option under pig feeders
-Smart controllers...
With the approach of cold weather, AP provides great tips.
Join me as I check in with business development specialist Carla Shabaga, from MSP. We discuss everything in relation to Gut Health as an education to Producers and how MSP Resistant Starch can benefit Producers, Veterinarians, and Swine Nutritionists.
Integrity & Swineweb teamed up with a few reminders we recommend pork producers check on their swine facilities before winter sets in. Keeping your hog buildings in good working order helps pigs stay healthy and your barns working in...
During the Covid-10 pandemic Crystal Spring Hog Equipment partnered with Pipestone on research that Proves Benefits of Wet/Dry Feeding (Again)
We summarize the findings during our Swine Versation.
We take this opportunity to discuss and educate the Pork Industry in Needle Technology, along with tips, suggestions and expertise as Neogen's D3 needle has been the Industry standard for over 20 years. We also discuss the new product...