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Topigs Norsvin is investing in a new nucleus farm in the Canadian province of Manitoba. This represents the  single biggest investment in the history of Topigs Norsvin. The new nucleus farm will be part of a bigger plan  to...
Strong biosecurity protocols are the most important line of defense against disease. Not only is pig health important for animal welfare, but it also protects the economic value of your business. With established sanitary zones, producers must design protocols...
Identifying the right animals to improve commercial production starts with our people.   
Reprinted from Everyone knows that a breeding female is a valuable asset because it drives the farm’s downstream production. But the costs involved in getting a replacement gilt ready to enter the breeding herd or to keep a sow...
Hypor, the swine brand of Hendrix Genetics, is evolving from balanced breeding to sustainable breeding for all products in our portfolio. The Hypor Kanto, our Duroc sire line with premium pork quality, fast-growing and added value finishers, and high-quality...
What is the Cost of a Dead Sow? The production cost of dead sows is becoming a large concern in our industry. According to industry data, sow mortality has nearly doubled in the past 15 years to approximately 13%. Recent...
Pig health routinely becomes part of the discussion when producers are looking for improved performance of their populations.   
As one of the leaders in swine breeding, Hendrix Genetics recognizes that strong biosecurity protocols play an important part in keeping pigs safe and healthy. Fundamental to swine production, biosecurity should act as the first line of defence to...
PART 2: SETTING DIETARY DIGESTIBLE LYSINE LEVELS by: Clarence Froese, M.Sc., Director of Nutrition, Genesus Inc. Individual nutrient requirements are generally derived and expressed in terms of total daily amounts, as opposed to dietary concentrations. For example, finishing pigs require a...
Salmonella variants found in pigs pose different threats to human and animal health, a DNA study found. Two closely related variants of Salmonella Typhimurium – a major cause of gastroenteritis worldwide – have significantly different effects on pig health, a...
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