Effects of allowing gilts ad libitum access to feed until breeding age or developing them with 25% energy restriction from 123 days of age to breeding on reproductive success through parity 1 were studied with a total of 639...
Topigs Norsvin is pleased to announce the appointment of Ilias Beneas as General Manager for Topigs Norsvin Hellas. Ilias Beneas is now marketing and sales manager for Zoetis in Greece and the other countries Topigs Norsvin Hellas is active...
The future of the pork industry must include sustainable products and practices. The Hypor Maxter, known as one of the top Piétrain sire lines in the world, delivers high quality piglets, fast-growing and uniform finishers, and more quality meat....
Nick Brain's free-range pigs snort and snuffle with delight as he tips buckets of acorns in their path.
Key points:
Some pig breeds face extinction in Australia, as they aren't suited to intensive farming
Victorian farmers are trying to conserve...
The transition from balanced to sustainable breeding is underway. While this concept is overarching for our entire swine breeding program, there are also key components that relate specifically to the different products in our portfolio. The Hypor Magnus not...
Porc d'Or, a collaboration of several Dutch pig farmers from the North, has chosen to work with Hypor pig genetics from Hendrix Genetics. Hendrix Genetics is an international breeding company, active in 8 animal species, with offices in 25...
Source: PigHealthToday.com
A sow farm, like a building, will crumble if the foundation isn’t functional, said Joel Sparks, DVM, with AMVC in Audubon, Iowa. Replacement gilts are the foundation that determine whether a sow farm will remain sustainable and profitable,...
Farmscape for June 17, 2021
Full Interview 15:48
A Research Scientist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada says, as liter sizes increase, it becomes increasingly important to take steps to ensure each piglet receives enough milk for optimal growth. Over...
Strong relationships have value. It’s not transactional - it’s a partnership.
Social sustainability is an often-overlooked aspect of sustainability. Discussions around sustainable development focus primarily on economic and environmental aspects. All three pathways to sustainability must be addressed to realize the most sustainable swine sector. Social sustainability initiatives focus on...