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The transition from stalls to group housing can be a difficult stage for both the pigs and the producers who raise them. When this transition goes smoothly, the pigs can continue eating and producing to their full potential. Terry...
Source: Swine Genetics International BOMB SQUAD – Brake Lights x Man on Fire x Slats BOMB SQUAD has earned the designation of consistency through his 4th crop of pigs. Breeder’s from all over the country have experienced his ability to add...
Jørgen Lindberg,CEO of Scandinavian Farms. Genesus is pleased to announce the successful shipment of 3 plane loads of swine genetics from Genesus Nucleus Farms in the United Kingdom to Scandinavian Farms Pig Industries of Lianyungang, China.   Scandinavian Farms is a Danish...
Simon Grey, General Manager Russia, CIS, and Europe.                             Current Russian pig price is 94.9 Roubles ($1.37) per kg live-weight including VAT. At this level, good producers continue...
Finding solutions to meet with clients has become challenging due to cancellations of swine conferences in Latin America as a result of COVID-19 but a program called Tu Tecnico en Casa has been able to fill this void by...
Japfa Comfeed Vietnam has requested Hendrix Genetics to improve the performance of their renewed pig production systems, by upgrading all their Great Grand Parent (GGP) and Grand Parents (GP) swine populations with the best Hypor breeding stock. The first...
In the scientific field, the nature vs. nurture debate is the subject of numerous studies when looking at human behavior. Are your actions and personality determined by your genes or by the environment you’re raised in? In many cases,...
Farmscape for May 20, 2020 Full Interview 18:29 Listen The identification of genetic traits that contribute to disease resilience in swine can be expected to become a mainstream approach to protecting pigs from disease. Since 2015 an international team of...
Paul Anderson General Manager South East Asia / International Sales Manager, Genesus Inc. My last Global Market Report was written in the Philippines as I cut my business trip short to fly home to the UK due to the start of...
Genesus Global Market Report Russia, May 2020  Simon Grey, General Manager Russia, CIS, and Europe Pig price in Russia is currently 100 Roubles ($1.33) per live kg. This is up just a little from the past few weeks due to holidays in...
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