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Abstract Senecavirus A (SVA) is a cause of vesicular disease in pigs, and infection rates are rising within the swine industry. Recently, anthrax toxin receptor 1 (ANTXR1) was revealed as the receptor for SVA in human cells. Herein, the role...
Spronk G, Havas K, Dee S. Will swine veterinarians lead by meeting the next generation needs of our industry? ABSTRACT The US swine industry is currently challenged by the potential of transboundary animal disease (eg, African swine  fever) entry to...
Authors: Gustavo Cordero, Swine Technical Manager; Laura Merriman, Swine Technical Service and Peter Wilcock, Regional Director  - North America at AB Vista. Ingredient analysis is critical to ensure diets provide all expected nutrients, and wet chemistry is the gold standard....
Take home messages: -Piglets are born with low body fat reserves and lose heat easily after birth. Cold piglets areless active, consume less colostrum and have increased likelihood of mortality. -Management strategies, such as drying piglets or the use of heat...
In this concise and straight-forward review for The Veterinary journal, Dr. Garcia-Morante in collaboration with the MycoLab at the UMN shares the latest knowledge around Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection and what the best practices for diagnosis are. The full article...
Introduction The assessment of lung lesions compatible with Enzootic Pneumonia (EN) at  the slaughterhouse is the reference technique for assessing the effectiveness  of vaccines against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mhyo). However, control of  EN and so the result, may depend also on...
Kerry Houlahan, PhD, Geneticist, Genesus Inc. Sow longevity is favorably associated with an increase in both profit and animal welfare. Generally, a sow with increased longevity stays in production longer and produces more piglets in total. However, sow longevity can...
Simon Grey, General Manager Europe, Genesus Inc. Whenever a group of producers get together a big part of the discussion today is how difficult the modern sow is to manage and how high sow mortality has become. This is at...
Bob Kemp VP R&D and Genetics Program Genesus Inc. Pork quality is a critical component driving the consumer’s eating experience and purchase decisions. Unacceptable pork quality is not a new issue for our industry. Tonsor and Schroeder (2013) reported that...
ABSTRACT A longitudinal study was conducted to assess the impact of different antimicrobial exposures of nursery-phase pigs on patterns of phenotypic antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in fecal indicator organisms throughout the growing phase. Based on practical approaches used to treat moderate...
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