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Fostera® Gold PCV MH Provides Broadest Protection Against Evolving Virus Zoetis Inc. announced today that new research recently published in the peer-reviewed journal Veterinary Research and shared at the American Association of Swine Veterinarians 2022 Annual Meeting shows that when...
Abstract Morbidity and mortality of respiratory diseases are linked to airway obstruction by mucus but there are still no specific, safe, and effective drugs to correct this phenotype. The need for better treatment requires a new understanding of the basis...
In this recent publication from the Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, Dr. Matt Sturos from the UMN Veterinary Diagnostic Lab shares a case report establishing the shedding of Senecavirus A through boar semen. This study highlights the importance of...
Rundle, C. M., V. Artuso-Ponte, and H. H. Stein. 2022. Isoquinoline Alkaloids Improve Intestinal Function of Weanling Pigs Fed Corn-Soybean Meal Diets Formulated Below Amino Acid Requirements. J. Anim. Sci. 100(Suppl. 2): 183–184. Link to Abstr.
In the light of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic, we have developed a porcine respiratory coronavirus (PRCV) model for in depth mechanistic evaluation of the pathogenesis, virology and immune responses of this important family of...
Abstract Morbidity and mortality of respiratory diseases are linked to airway obstruction by mucus but there are still no specific, safe, and effective drugs to correct this phenotype. The need for better treatment requires new understanding of the basis for...
Interspecies transmission of influenza A virus (IAV) between pigs and people represents a threat to both animal and public health. To better understand the risks of influenza transmission at the human-animal interface, we evaluated 1) the rate of IAV...
Everestus Akanno, PhD. Geneticist, Genesus Inc. Concrete evidence of genetic progress in the swine industry abound! Genetic trends for several economically important traits are progressing in the expected directions (Mahboob et al. Animals 11 (2021) 1321, According to the formulation...
Jay Harmon, Dana Schweitzer Understanding energy consumption in swine facilities can help managers know how much energy is being used and how much should be used. Tools for calculating optimal energy use are included in the publication, as well...
Nicholas Dee1  Karyn Havas2 Apoorva Shah3  Aaron Singrey4  Gordon Spronk2  Megan Niederwerder5  Eric Nelson4  Scott Dee Abstract Viruses of veterinary significance are known to survive for extended periods in plant-based feed ingredients imported into North America. To reduce the likelihood of...
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