Rapeseed is the second most produced oilseed in the world after soybean, and after the oil is extracted, a protein-rich meal is the resulting byproduct containing greater concentrations of sulfur amino acids (AA; i.e., Met and Cys) and Lys...
High dietary protein can potentially increase susceptibility of weaned pigs to enteric pathogens; it has been hypothesized that dietary supplementation with functional amino acids may improve growth performance of pigs during disease challenge. A recent study, published in the...
Pigs have become an important model for agricultural and biomedical purposes. The advent of genomic engineering tools, such as the CRISPR/Cas9 system, has facilitated the production of livestock models with desired modifications. However, precise site-specific modifications in pigs through...
Preweaning pigs
This is a recent publication from the Torremorell’s lab refining the use of udder wipes to detect influenza in preweaning pigs. It is available in the Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation.
Key points
Pooling of three, five, and ten...
In most plant feed ingredients, the majority of P is bound to phytate, which reduces digestibility of P in pigs, and therefore, the concentration of digestible P in these ingredients is relatively low. Phytate is negatively charged in the...
The objective of this study was to determine effects of pelleting on the standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of amino acids (AA) in diets with or without increased concentrations of free AA and reducing sugars (RS). Eight individually housed, ileal...
Early detection of ASF
This is our Friday rubric: every week a new Science Page from the Bob Morrison’s Swine Health Monitoring Project. The previous editions of the science page are available on our website.
Since ASF has been found in the Dominic Republic...
By: Chr. Hansen Swine Technical Service Team
Download the complete article
When conditions in the market demand action, for example, with high commodity prices, high value of hogs, and severe challenges from PRRS, isn’t it important to consider using a cost-effective,...
Worm infections still play a crucial role in the general health status and the subsequent technical performance and welfare of pigs. Even in well managed indoor herds with improved mangement techniques like batch farrowing, all-in all-out systems and high...
Simon Grey,
General Manager Russia, CIS and Europe, Genesus Inc.
Selection indexes in the Genesus Genetic Program are a measure of profitability. Genomic Estimated Breeding Values (GEBV) are estimated for the key traits affecting profitability. The higher the Index the more...