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In recent years, the swine industry has been increasingly focused on improving herd health and productivity, with particular attention given to respiratory diseases. The respiratory system is crucial for the overall well-being of pigs, and any disruptions caused by...
Fig. 1. Map of 30 pork processing plants accounting for slaughter of >95% of PQA Plus pigs in the United States. Locations submitting samples are designated in red. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend,...
Abstract Diarrhea is a common enteric disease in piglets that leads to high mortality and economic losses in swine production worldwide. Antibiotics are commonly used to prevent or treat diarrhea in piglets. However, irrational antibiotic use contributes to the development...
Jordà*1, R.; García1, G. ; Bernal1, I.; Álvarez1, G.; Nodar1, L. 1Hipra, Amer(Girona), Spain. *Corresponding author: Background and Objectives Oedema disease (OD) is an enterotoxaemia caused by Escherichia coli, which possesses adhesion factors enabling the bacteria to colonise the small intestine and...
Study shows viral strain infects, circulates among swine New research suggests that pigs may function as a transmission vehicle for a strain of the hepatitis E virus (HEV) common in rats that has recently been found to infect humans. The Rocahepevirus...
Introduction Food loss and waste (FLW) represent one of the most significant failures of our global food system. It is estimated that 33 to 40 % of global food production is lost or wasted along the entire supply chain, from...
The Feasibility of Feeding Altrenogest to Gilts not Responding to Boar Stimulation explores whether feeding altrenogest (Matrix®, ChronoMate®, SwineMate®) to nonresponsive gilts could improve reproductive outcomes. Altrenogest is typically used for synchronizing estrous cycles in sexually mature gilts, but...
Abstract: Enhancing disease surveillance and preparedness: An early warning tool for disease occurrence in U.S. swine breeding herds Understanding regional disease risk is critical for swine disease prevention and control. Since 2011, the Morrison Swine Health Monitoring Project (MSHMP) has...
García *1, G.; Jordà 1, R.; Alvarez 1, G.; Bernal 1, I.; Nodar 1, L. 1HIPRA, Amer (Girona), Spain *Corresponding author: Background & Objectives Oedema disease (OD) is an enterotoxaemia caused by Escherichia coli, which possesses adhesion factors enabling the bacteria to...
Introduction: Energy is a primary component of swine diets, contributing to growth, maintenance, reproduction, and lactation. Optimizing energy levels in feed formulations is essential for improving production efficiency while maintaining animal health. This technical paper examines the role of...
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