Van Poucke1*, S.; Michiels1, A.; Galé2, I.; Angelats2, D.; Nodar2, L.
1HIPRA Benelux, Ghent, Belgium. / 2HIPRA, Amer (Girona), Spain. *Corresponding author (
Oedema Disease (OD) is an enterotoxaemia caused by certain Escherichia coli’s (E. coli) colonizing the small...
Transboundary movement of animal feed and feed ingredients has been identified as a route for pathogen incursions. While imports of animals and animal-derived products are highly regulated for the purpose of infectious disease prevention, there has been less consideration...
Pharmacological levels of Zn (i.e., 2,000 to 3,000 mg/kg) is often included in diets for weanling pigs to prevent post-weaning diarrhea. However, pharmacological levels of Zn may reduce microbial phytase efficacy by chelating the phytate molecule, which subsequently prevents...
The purpose of the experiment was to assess the response of 10-kg pigs to diets containing increasing levels of dietary lysine when formulated on a digestible amino acid and ideal protein basis. The experiment consisted of a growth study...
Advances in genome editing tools have reduced barriers to the creation of animal models. Due to their anatomical and physiological similarities to humans, there has been a growing need for pig models to study human diseases, for xenotransplantation and...
In a new study by Paploski et al., researchers from the VanderWaal lab delineated the phylogenetic structure within PRRSV Lineage 1, described past dynamics of different viral strains through quantifying viral population sizes across time, and identified antigenically relevant...
Agosto1 , M.; Corletti1 , G.; Fernandez2 , S.; Boix3 , O.
*Corresponding author (
1 SuperPorco S.R.L., 2 Hipra Argentina, S.A., 3 HIPRA, Amer (Girona) Spain.
One of the most common problems faced in the field is the increase in sow...
Background Modeling cardiovascular diseases in mice has provided invaluable insights into the cause of congenital heart disease. However, the small size of the mouse heart has precluded translational studies. Given current high-efficiency gene editing, congenital heart disease modeling in...
Dylan Lape, DVM
Pork Veterinary Solutions
June 6, 2021
In livestock production, it is the job of the veterinarian to help and, advise producers on
how best to keep their animals healthy throughout the production cycle. In particular, in swine production we see...
Producers and veterinarians should “begin with the end in mind” when it comes to diagnosing disease and planning control strategies, according to Eric Burrough, DVM, PhD, associate professor and diagnostic pathologist at the Iowa State Diagnostic Laboratory.
Many common enteric...