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ithin swine production flows In this recent publication in the Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research, Dr. Alyssa Betlach from the MycoLab at the University of Minnesota investigates the genetic variability of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae within and across various production flows within...
Download the complete article Fall and winter pose new challenges as well as opportunities to enhance biosecurity protocols on the farm. Viral challenges like Avian Influenza (AI), Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) and Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PEDv) are sometimes referred...
N. Sugai, S. Probst Miller, DVM, and R.V. Knox, PhD, University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine, AgCreate Solutions, Inc, University of Illinois Department of Animal Science  Daily boar exposure for weaned sows shortens weaning-toestrus interval.6,13 Boar libido impacts...
Principle Investigator: Chad A. Stahl, Ph.D. Institution: Food Animal Consultation & Testing Services Co-Investigator: Thomas J. Fangman DVM, MS DABVP Institution: Huvepharma, Inc Funding Institution: National Pork Board Date Submitted:  August 12, 2020 Industry Summary: The global pandemic attributable to the COVID-19 virus has severely disrupted...
Dr Chunyan Zhang, Geneticist, Genesus Inc. Meat is a major source of proteins that are necessary for human health. Consumers commonly freeze meat after purchasing it to manage household meat supply. Freezing meat also plays an essential role in prolonging...
A bacterial virus helped the spread of a new Salmonella strain   Researchers at the Quadram Institute have implicated a toxin-carrying virus in the emergence of a new strain of Salmonella in pigs.   Salmonella is associated with a large number of cases...
Download the complete PDF Adapted from Selenium Management Technical Guide (Phileo by Lesaffre, 2016 and Optimizing Sow and Piglet Management Technical Guide (Phileo by Lesaffre, 2016) Dr. Joe Loughmiller, Sr. Swine Technical Services, North America Why use live yeast probiotics and yeast extracts...
Highlights • Extracting RNA using TRIzol reagent from filter material ground with liquid nitrogen can be used to detect PRRSv and IAV from air filters. •PRRSv and IAV were detected in used filters from commercial swine farms that employed...
View ORCID ProfileCaitlin E. Edwards, Boyd L. Yount, View ORCID ProfileRachel L. Graham, View ORCID ProfileSarah R. Leist, View ORCID ProfileYixuan J. Hou, Kenneth H. Dinnon III, Amy C. Sims, Jesica Swanstrom, View ORCID...
Chad Bierman, PhD, Geneticist, Genesus Inc.   Disease is a major contributor to increased costs in the swine industry. For example, the cost estimated from the Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) disease alone is $664 million annually to the U.S....
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