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By: Everestus Akanno, PhD., Geneticist, Genesus Inc.   The success of pig genetic improvement programs depends heavily on the continued generation, collection, and analysis of industry-wide data from both the nucleus and commercial settings.   These data come from a variety of sources...
Download the complete newsletter Have we finally rounded the corner of what has been one of them most impactful times in a generation? Well, as business thinker Peter Drucker put it, “Trying to predict the future is like trying to...
The impact of heat stress on sows and piglets can have severe consequences for stock health, welfare, reproductive performance, and profitability.   Faced with the combination of high temperatures and humidity (THI), sows redirect blood flow away from their ovaries, focusing...
Introduction The porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) epidemic in 2013 – 2014 caused high morbidity and mortality for hog farmers throughout North America.  Animal feed was identified at that time as a risk factor and one of the potential vehicles...
Nitrogen, essential element Nitrogen, which is abundant in nature in its gaseous form N2, makes up about 78% of the atmosphere. It is an essential element of living matter, it is one of the major components of the amino acids,...
Download the complete article Introduction Evaporative cooling systems are used to reduce the indoor air temperature within animal housing during periods of warm weather. An evaporative cooling system works by pumping water from a reservoir tank to a feed pipe situated across...
Breakfast cereals are usually consumed with milk as a breakfast meal. To meet requirements for amino acids (AA), higher quality proteins are needed to complement the protein in cereals to provide a meal that is adequate in all indispensable...
Piglet processing fluids have been shown to be a practical, time-efficient and affordable diagnostic tool for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS), and some indications suggest that porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) offers promise as well. That has prompted...
By: Dinesh Thekkoot PhD, Genesus Inc. Factors Affecting Preweaning Piglet Mortality Part 1 Generally, it’s difficult to attribute a single cause to preweaning mortality (PWM). Various predisposing causes and their complex interactions lead to PWM (Figure 1). These predisposing factors can be...
Pigs get stressed out for lots of reasons, but weaning, heat, crowding, transportation and related challenges can weaken their immune system and make them more vulnerable to disease and performance losses. This particularly holds true for gastrointestinal (GI) disorders,1...
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