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In this open-access article from the MycoLab, Dr. Maria Pieters’ team explores the influence of pigs’ gut microbiome in modulating their susceptibility to Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. In a commercial sow farm, thirty-two piglets from six litters, naive against PRRS and M....
Dr. Dinesh Thekkoot, Genesus Inc.   Sow longevity is a key economic component in commercial pig farming, as it is directly proportional to the herd replacement rate and to the total number of piglets weaned per sow lifetime.   Even though sow longevity...
Swine diets are primarily formulated and tested in growing pigs. Studies show the ideal ratio of nutrients, specifically the ratio of calcium to phosphorus, changes slightly but predictably as pigs progress through the growing stage. What’s not well-understood is...
Farmscape for November 14, 2019 Full Interview 13:31 Listen Research conducted on behalf of Swine Innovation Porc shows newborn piglets should be allowed to suckle for at least two days before cross fostering to help stimulate future milk production. To...
Recently a high-protein distillers dried grains (HP-DDGS; ProCap DDGS, Marquis Energy, Hennepin, IL) was developed and the HP-DDGS has greater concentrations of CP and fat, but contains less fiber compared with conventional DDGS, which may affect the digestibility of...
Farmscape for October 30, 2019 Full Interview 8:52 Listen Those who move young pigs are expected to reap the benefits of research being conducted on behalf of Swine Innovation Porc. As part of a Swine Innovation Porc program scientists are...
Dr. Joe Loughmiller Swine Technical Services Senior Manager Phileo by Lesaffre Current consumer preference trends and increasing government regulation continue to drive interest in reduced antibiotic use and increased use of antibiotic alternatives, such as yeast probiotics. ActiSaf HR+ is...
Download the complete article Dietary phosphorus concentration greatly affects pig’s growth performance, environmental impact and diet cost. A total of 1080pigs (initially 5.9±1.08 kg) from three commercial research rooms were used to determine the effects of increasing standardizedtotal tract digestible...
Download the complete report Industry Summary: Swine production and manure management and storage have been implicated asa major and increasing source of ammonia (NH3) emissions in North Carolina, with increasing environmental impact. Further, reports have stated that ammonium (NH4+) deposition,...
Journal of Animal Science, volume 65 Supplement 1 (1987) page 230-231T.Grandin, I.A.Taylor, S.E.Curtis and I.A.Taylor, University of Illinois, Urbanan-Champaign. U.S.A. The purpose of this experiment was to determine if environmental enrichment would produce calmer, less excitable pigs. In trials 1 and...
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