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By I. Heinzl and S. Regragui Mazili In contrast to humans, piglets do not receive any maternal immunoglobulins via the placenta. It is therefore of vital importance for these young animals to receive maternal antibodies via the colostrum as soon...
Dr Chunyan Zhang, Genesus Geneticist  Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS), is a disease affecting both reproduction and growth, and is a very costly viral disease for pig farms around the world. Vaccination for protection against PRRS virus (PRRSV) infection...
Soybean meal (SBM) is one of the most important protein sources in swine diets. However, most P in SBM is bound to phytate, which increases inclusion of inorganic P in diets for pigs. Use of microbial phytase may hydrolyze...
Robert Myer and Ray Bucklin2 Environmental temperatures above the zone of thermoneutrality (comfort zone) for swine are frequent in tropical and subtropical regions, and during the summer months in temperate regions. These warm environmental conditions do not usually result in...
Gourley, K.M. G.E. Nichols, J.A. Sonderman, Z.T. Spencer, J.C. Woodworth, M.D. Tokach, J.M. DeRouchey, S. S. Dritz, R.D. Goodband, S.J. Kitt, and E.W. Stephenson. 2017. Determining the impact of increasing standardized ileal digestible lysine for primiparous and multiparous sows...
Abstract The first nonmilk foods that are given to infants contain high levels of starch, a fraction of which is resistant to enzyme hydrolysis. Incomplete digestion of starch may interfere with the absorption of certain minerals. A fraction of dietary...
Garth Brown, General Manager at Canadian Centre of Gene Transfer – Genesus Inc. When semen reaches its destination, the farm accepts responsibility for maintaining the potential for consistent reproductive performance of semen doses. Upon arrival, semen doses should be immediately placed...
Dr. Inge Heinzl and Dr. Fellipe Barbosa The most important parameters for a pig producer is the number of healthy pigs weaned/sow/year and their weaning weight. Due to improved genetics, it is possible today to find production systems that deliver...
Escherichia coli belongs to the Enterobacteriaceae family of facultative anaerobic gram-negative bacteria. Within this species there are E.coli strains that belong to the individual’s commensal bacteria and other pathogenic strains that may potentially cause gastrointestinal diseases. The pathogenic capacity of this...
A systems effort that incorporates all components of the farming enterprise is needed to minimize environmental risk. Engineering solutions for the handling, treatment and application of manure and systems of cropping and soils management have received extensive scientific attention...
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