Earlier this week, the, the Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI) at the University of Missouri released its latest baseline update for U.S. farm income and government costs.
The baseline update stated that,
Higher commodity prices contribute to a sharp...
I thought I would give a brief overview of how our pigs are raised. Granted there are many ways to raise pigs and as long as the health and care of the animal is the highest priority, there is...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics
Last week lean hog futures decreased an average of $7 Friday to Friday. A big drop. Our observations:
USDA Predictions
Seems there are thoughts of significantly increased pork production in the coming months by USDA,...
Reprinted from: PigHealthToday.com
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (M. hyo) continues to plague US swine herds. The pathogen is especially troublesome in cases of co-infection with other diseases on a farm. The first step to controlling and eliminating M. hyo is to classify...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics
Global Market Round-up
The hog price in China is 96¢ U.S. lb. (14.2 RMB/kg). Losses continue for China's pork producers. The Financial Times estimates that publicly owned swine companies have lost over...
Reprinted from PigHealthToday.com
Everyone knows that a breeding female is a valuable asset because it drives the farm’s downstream production. But the costs involved in getting a replacement gilt ready to enter the breeding herd or to keep a sow...
Solution helps maximize healthy litters and support reproductive health
Reproductive disease in swine herds can be extremely costly for producers, not only impacting overall herd health, but also the bottom line. Often found in combination with one another, these diseases...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics
Our Observations:
U.S. hog slaughter last week 2,444,000 - a year ago 2,653,000. Down 8% year-over-year. USDA projected 2% year-over-year decline in June 1st USDA Hogs and Pigs Report. U.S. slaughter since the first...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics
As of August 15, 2021, USDA website shows payments of CFAP 1 Total Disbursed.
$4.37 billion
$1.79 billion
$1.78 billion
$ 624 million
Cattle, Milk, Corn, have all been paid the USDA promised CFAP 1 top-up. The hog...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics
The last few days we have read commentaries from pundits and future trading houses of big concern on pork demand. This is of course due to some of their vested interest to drive...