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USA – Default

Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics The U.S. hog slaughter last week was over 2.7 million head, about the same as a year ago. Despite this big number U.S. pork cut-outs stayed in the mid 80’s (84.06¢ Friday). We...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics   At the end of September, Pork in U.S. Cold Storage was down 22% from a year ago, 466,674 vs. 598,750 (1,000 pounds). This is quite positive for markets going forward. Less Pork in...
Highlights • Extracting RNA using TRIzol reagent from filter material ground with liquid nitrogen can be used to detect PRRSv and IAV from air filters. •PRRSv and IAV were detected in used filters from commercial swine farms that employed...
Source: USDA news release To view the complete report, click here. The October 2020 Feed Outlook report contains estimates for 2019/20, and projections for the 2020/21 U.S. and global feed markets, based on the most current World Agricultural Supply and Demand...
Biosecurity protocols are critical to keeping the US hog herd healthy, and one of the regular tasks is to disinfect a wide range of supplies entering the farm. It’s well documented that any number of pathogens can hitch a...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics A month ago, the U.S. hog price had crawled up from the low 40’s to reach 57¢ lean a lb. If we had written we expected 53-54% lean hogs to be 76.52¢ lb....
Air infiltration in large, confined swine operations has been an on-going problem for producers for many years. Regardless of technological advancements in building design and construction, unwanted air penetration continues to be a consistent problem. Influx of unregulated air...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics On Thursday just after the USDA September 1st Hogs and Pigs Report was released, I was talking on the phone discussing the report. After the call, my son Spencer who was near and...
Download the complete article Introduction Evaporative cooling systems are used to reduce the indoor air temperature within animal housing during periods of warm weather. An evaporative cooling system works by pumping water from a reservoir tank to a feed pipe situated across...
Client profile: Hypor Libra* Location: Germany Farm Size: 400 sows, farrow to feeder (30 kg) In Germany, where loose housing systems are legally mandated, pig temperament is extremely important in a successful herd. Mr. Macke and his son know the importance of...
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