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Support vulnerable weaned pigs and their immune systems with a focus on nutrition. Weaned pigs are the future of your business. How you manage them in the first two weeks post weaning will make a difference now and when they...
If your sows could choose a style of group housing, they would pick the one designed to keep them calm and comfortable. Electronic sow feeders with forward exits in correctly-designed group pens have been proven for decades to keep...
Quick facts Changes in behavior, appearance and temperament of pigs are early signs of sickness, but are often subtle and easily overlooked. Early detection of sick pigs is crucial to health management of organic pigs. The use of synthetic substances...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics When you are an optimist you look for the positive. Last week, Thursday to Thursday U.S. National Base 53-54% lean hogs went up from 48.79 to 53.27. Still a miserable price but going...
AP (Automated Production Services) has introduced three new on-site services to provide swine producers with barn controller training and equipment audits. Called AP Services, the programs are offered at producer locations within the continental U.S. and at AGCO facilities in...
With more ethanol in production and a greater ability to upcycle co-products into animal feed ingredients, companies are creating custom products and partnering with University of Illinois researchers to test for quality and digestibility. In a recent study published in...
Abstract Aim This study aimed to evaluate the patterns and potential risk factors associated with the occurrence of Salmonella sp. and Escherichia coli in selected United States swine feed mills. Methods and Results A total of 405 samples were collected during...
USDA news release To view the complete report, click here. The July 2020 Feed Outlook report contains estimates for 2019/20 and projections for the 2020/21 U.S. and global feed markets, based on the most current World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates.
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics U.S. Pork Cut-outs Continue to Strengthen This past week we saw some improvement once again in pork cut-outs. A week ago, last Friday they were $68.95 while on Friday the pork cut-outs closed $71.19....
With the expanding drought conditions across Western South Dakota, there are increased concerns about livestock water quality. One water quality concern stems from the algae blooms on stock dams. The predominant question is whether the algae presents health concerns...
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