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Producers in today’s pork industry face a myriad of difficulties and restrictions in raising pigs successfully, and the health challenges we are presently faced with are a major part of that list. On top of that, the discourse surrounding...
Swine are pivotal in the evolution of Influenza A Virus (IAV) due to their role as "mixing vessels" for the virus, creating novel strains with potential pandemic threats. This process involves antigenic drift in the hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase...
An interview with David Pyburn, DVM - Managing Technical Services Veterinarian, Pork, Zoetis Key takeaways For Zoetis medicated feed additives, African Swine Fever (ASF) virus contamination risk is low due to maintaining a strict, closed, and unidirectional flow of all...
Due to the abundant rainfall this Spring, Mother Nature has created optimal conditions for mosquito breeding. Adult mosquitoes, capable of traveling up to 3 miles from their breeding grounds, pose a threat by biting and potentially transmitting viruses. Additionally,...
Key takeaways STOMP PLUS is a unique comprehensive diagnostic service focused on helping producers and veterinarians identify and monitor specific pathogens responsible for disease outbreaks in their operations. STOMP PLUS provides a diagnostic plan, expert consultative interpretation and a...
Several months ago, I had the opportunity to attend the final Advancing Animal Welfare Together Symposium that was hosted by the late Dr. Angela Baysinger. During one of the sessions, we were asked to think about challenges that at...
Are you and your farm prepared for the unexpected? An example is a Foreign Animal Disease (FAD) or another disease that may need a response from Regulatory Officials such as local, state, tribal and federal officials. Or the unexpected...
As pork producers, we're always looking for ways to improve our operations. While we often focus on practical application of nutrition, genetics, health and management practices, there are underlying biological processes that play crucial roles in successful production. One...
I have been lending in the swine industry for almost 27 years and this past year has been the most difficult to navigate. By mid-April, we saw profits return, giving producers the opportunity to rebuild working capital and allowing...
It was mid-May when my delight with a good rain began to morph into concern quickly followed by worry. Plentiful May rainfall is always a two-edged sword when its schedule impedes crop planting progress. Continued measurable rain quickly begins...
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