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Facilities play a large role in the health of your pigs and profitability of your pig business. As assets age, it’s important to evaluate your best facility strategy moving forward: retain, replace or remodel. Below are some considerations to take...
Reprinted from Sow reproductive performance drops off in the summer, and this year will be no different, according to Paul Yeske, DVM, Swine Vet Center, St. Peter, Minnesota. “We typically see reproductive performance drop off as we get to week...
Regulation with respect to piglet castration in Europe has gradually increased over the last decade. The marketing of entire males or the use of immunocastration have offered an alternative to surgical castration. Some countries have been slow to adopt...
Nearly 6 inches below normal rainfall. That is what we are experiencing in southern Minnesota. For those that follow the drought monitor, our county has a D3 rating which is an extreme drought. Rainfall has been very spotty. It can rain...
It was good to see so many pork producers and pork industry associates at the National Pork Industry Conference (NPIC) in mid-July. Compeer’s Chief Diversified Markets Officer, Mark Greenwood, and I had discussions following the meeting about all the...
As a rooster and a bull have completely different needs, so do the constituents of states across our country. Here in Minnesota, a place far different than California, we are fighting against a “one-size-fits-all” policy that will serve, when...
Reprinted from Sow lameness continues to trouble hog operations in the US, causing high numbers of involuntary removals from herds. These expensive sow removals can be reduced by identifying lameness issues early and addressing equipment hazards that lead to...
Financial Times writers Emiko Terazono and Michael Pooler reported this week that, “After enduring the worst drought in nearly a century followed by a bout of cold temperatures, areas within Brazil’s farming belt are braced for further adversity as...
The cause of high sow-mortality rates may be tough to determine, but producers can take steps to address the problems and lower rates, according to Randy Jones, DVM, with Four Star Veterinary Service, Kinston, North Carolina. Sow mortality didn’t used...
Reprinted from Eliminating porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus from a breeding herd is not a simple task, and no herd acts exactly like the next, according to Brad Leuwerke, DVM, with Swine Vet Center, St. Peter, Minnesota. Looking...
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