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By Dennis Smith   312-242-7905  Thursday, November 18, 2021  GRAINS:  Soybeans are trading 5 to 6 cents higher early today. We are filled on our Feb soy 1230/1190 put spreads at 8 cents. The market is currently 7 ¼-7/12 on the put spreads. This is a highly recommended...
This week, we are attending the Annual Meat Conference in Texas to showcase the high quality and sustainability of red meat products from the UK. The exhibition will provide UK pork exporters with the opportunity to network with more than...
As drought conditions worsen, livestock producers will find feed assistance from the Livestock Forage Program (LFP) administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency (USDA FSA). “One of the improvements to the current farm bill was the addition...
In July 2019, a PRRSV-negative boar station in Demark was infected with a PRRSV recombinant that involved two PRRSV vaccine strains. At the time of infection, the boar stud PRRS monitoring involved performing PRRS antibody testing every 2 weeks....
Resources are available to help organizers of jackpot, one day shows and exhibition events lower the risk of disease spread at their event. Throughout Michigan and the U.S., one-day prospect shows, jackpots, and other livestock exhibitions are a great way...
Over the last few months, I have been learning an entirely new language from the manufacturing arm of our industry. But systematic reviews of different problems are necessary, which is not different for the sales process, regardless of what...
Modern-day swine production has faced numerous challenges over the years. From increased production costs, herd health concerns, ever-increasing regulations, and the ever-looming threat of a foreign animal disease outbreak (most notably African Swine Fever), one could understand why swine...
Someone turned on the water spigot and forgot to turn it off. I am always nervous talking about not wanting more rain right now because more times than not, it comes back to haunt us in July. But ....
1.Todd Thurman, March 10, 2021 I have been working on a renewable energy related project recently, so I’ve been thinking a lot about the environment and sustainability. I believe there is a major disconnect between the agriculture industry and the...
Bloomberg News reported on Tuesday that, “China imported a record amount of meat in March on supply concerns as hog herds in the world’s biggest pork consumer struggled to recover from African swine fever. “Total imports, including offal, topped 1...
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