Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics
Last year at this time we were at the start of the Covid crisis in our industry. A year ago Lean Hogs were 39₵ lb. Last week they were $1.01 lb. on a...
We know that having some straw in the pen with growing pigs can reduce the incidence and severity of tail biting. Certainly the pigs will manipulate the straw and this will satisfy some behavioural needs. People wonder if the...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics
The March 1st U.S. Hogs and Pigs Report indicates fewer Breeding Pigs and Market Hogs.
Our observations:
Breeding Herd
1,000s head
Dec 1st
Dec 1st
March 1st
The U.S. breeding stock peaked at 6,471,000 on the Dec 1, 2019 inventory....
Congenital tremor or "Shaky Pig" was identified in Canada in the 1950's. The exact cause of Congenital Tremor Type AII remained a bit of a mystery for some time but was thought to be some sort of viral infection. Recently, Next...
The mycotoxin Fumonisin is an emerging issue in animal feed production. Fumonisin can reduce growth performance and is also capable of disrupting the metabolism of sphingolipids sphinganine (SA) to sphingosine (SO). Sphingolipids are commonly believed to protect the cell...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics
The most recent week U.S. Pork Export Sales were 59,600 metric tonnes. Of that 28,200 were to China. Both numbers the highest since September. Quite a positive sign with U.S. hog supply declining...
Influenza is a major cause of mortality and morbidity in both pigs and people on a worldwide basis. Swine Influenza Virus (SwIV) are swine host adapted viruses that can infect both pigs and people. These SwIV are commonly found...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics
IowaSouthern Minnesota Lean Hog Price closed last Friday at 79.81₵ lb. It has risen from 63.97₵ lb. average in December. Last February IowaSouthern Minnesota averaged 58.33₵ lb. The last time IowaSouthern Minnesota was...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics
We read in several places where some speculate lean hog futures are over-bought. We disagree. Our reason is that the U.S. Pork cut-out price is in the low 90’s. This despite weekly kills...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics
U.S. Pork cut-outs closed Friday at 88.38 ¢ lb. A very strong price in our opinion considering a weekly slaughter of 2,664,000. What will cut-outs be when slaughter in summer months declines to...