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USA – Default

Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics A month ago, the U.S. hog price had crawled up from the low 40’s to reach 57¢ lean a lb. If we had written we expected 53-54% lean hogs to be 76.52¢ lb....
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics On Thursday just after the USDA September 1st Hogs and Pigs Report was released, I was talking on the phone discussing the report. After the call, my son Spencer who was near and...
A tax audit may be even less welcome than PEDv, but some audits are better than others. For pork producers, the good kind is an audit of on-farm best management practices conducted in 2017 at 24 farms across Canada....
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics Last week one wild boar was found in Germany with African Swine Fever. This one dead pig has now resulted in China, South Korea and Japan banning pork shipments from Germany. This in...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics For weeks we have strongly questioned the reported “3 million hogs backed up” opinion of Ag. Economists and futures traders. We just could not comprehend 3 million as a reality. We observed the...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics The National Pork Industry Conference (NPIC) was held last week as a virtual event. Not an ideal way to do conferences as the huge benefit of personal interaction is missed. Fortunately, the NPIC...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics When you are an optimist you look for the positive. Last week, Thursday to Thursday U.S. National Base 53-54% lean hogs went up from 48.79 to 53.27. Still a miserable price but going...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics U.S. Pork Cut-outs Continue to Strengthen This past week we saw some improvement once again in pork cut-outs. A week ago, last Friday they were $68.95 while on Friday the pork cut-outs closed $71.19....
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics For the second week in a row, U.S. market hog harvest was higher than a year ago. 2,457,000 vs. 2,439,000. We can only hope that U.S. plants can continue to ramp up production....
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics Last week we observed that U.S. harvest weights were decreasing. This totally baffles us. There is no doubt the official USDA slaughter numbers have been significantly lower for the last six weeks compared...
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