In a recent trial focusing on Berkshire-sired pigs, KENT Nutrition Group, a KENT Corporation family business, found superior performance of pigs fed by the KENT Program versus the control group. This trial is the first nutrition research to focus on Berkshire-bred pigs and was conducted with over 400 pigs from start to finish. The KENT Program pigs showed a five-percent (5%) faster Average Daily Gain and a net return increase of nearly $15 at a live price of $1.00 per pound.
“In my nearly 40-year career, I’ve never seen a group of pigs perform as the Berkshires receiving the KENT Program formulation,” said Dr. Michael Edmonds, Vice President of Swine Nutrition, KNG.
Along with these remarkable live performance results, KENT also partnered with Iowa State University (ISU) to measure carcass quality effects. A random sample of pork loins were sent to ISU, where quality and yield data was collected and tested. The tenderness, juiciness and color of the Berkshire loins showed improvement over the control pigs. The KENT Program pigs also had a lower chewiness score as determined by a trained sensory tasting panel.
“Our study was unique in that we focused on Berkshire-bred pigs with the live nutritional trial and carcass quality study. Berkshire pork is recognized as high-quality pork that delivers a unique eating experience for consumers at home and in white tablecloth restaurants. It was important that our feeding regime not negatively impact the eating quality,” said Dr. Jim Smith, KENT Nutrition Group Technical Swine Nutritionist.
Berkshire pork producers and other specialty pork producers can use KENT’s trial results to increase monetary return and improve pig performance.
*The net return per hog marketed on the Kent program was determined at a live price of $1.00 per pound.