Here at Crystal Spring, we’ve been “living and breathing” feeders everyday for over 40 years. Being this passionate about what we do has led us to take a consultative approach to our business development—going far beyond simply selling feeders into helping producers figure out the best ways to optimize their systems.
When talking to producers we always emphasize the fact that we are not only providing a “box of bended and welded stainless steel”… we are providing a piece of equipment that could turn out to be his golden gem. Depending on the region/country, between 60-80% of the production costs go through a feeder every day. SIXTY TO EIGHTY PERCENT!!! That is A LOT and it gives us a very serious reason to make our feeders work and perform at their best.
Once, when I was talking to a producer, I started asking my series of normal questions: What genetics does he have? How is the ventilation in his barn? What feed does he use? Pig density? What are his “pain points” in his current production method and performance? And so on… Finally, he looked at me and asked if I was just being curious or if that information really had any relevance to the feeder conversation.
I must tell you, if your current feeder provider isn’t asking those questions and having detailed conversations with you, it’s probably time to find a new provider! All of that information has a lot to do with the feeder choice, type, sizing, etc. Remember our 60-80% cost! Asking those questions and having those conversations before choosing your feeder is a MUST.
Our consultative approach has allowed us to become the leading brand for wet/dry hog feeders in the world. It’s a title that not only makes us proud but reinforces our commitment to provide more than a piece of metal. We provide knowledge, feedback, research-backed equipment, and we work along with our customers to make certain that their feeders are performing to the best of their ability.
With newly updated management guides, constant dealer and customer training sessions, and a worldwide presence, we are constantly evolving in order to guarantee our customers can get the help they need in their day-to-day feeder applications.
Interested in learning more about the Crystal Spring way of doing business? Please contact our team at info@cshe.com, WhatsApp/Phone +1 (402) 227-8228 or visit our website at www.crystalspring.com to find your local authorized dealer.