The fed cattle market hit some new record highs last week with fed steers pushing $200 per cut in Northern Plains markets. The $200 compares to the five-year average at this same time of $120. It’s what happens when beef supply tightens, and consumers want beef.
Last Friday U.S. cut-out pork prices were 94.91¢ lb. Choice Beef cut-outs $3.30 lb. The difference is so disheartening for pork producers. It’s obvious consumers prefer Beef to Pork. Unfortunately, until we deal with our taste issues there will continue to be a huge price difference. If were just half of Beef cut-outs at $1.65 lb. the difference between current 94.91¢ lb. of 70¢ lb. is $140 per head (200 lb. carcass). That would make a lot of happy producers.
- One advantage having pork cheaper than most of the world is it attracts Pork importers. Last week USDA reports weekly Pork exports sales were 59,100 mt a high for the year. Main buyer Mexico at 34,600 mt, China mt was second.
- China’s hog price is indicating lower pork supplies with market hogs $1.15 lb. USD liveweight (270 lb. hog at $300), early weans in the $90 USD per head range. Less China supply will lead to more pork imports supporting exporting countries.
- Thank you – we really appreciate the number of industry emails we received congratulating Genesus on our restructuring into Genesus Genetic Technologies Inc.
Genesus has a globally competitive product. To get there it’s been many years of continual genetic improvement with huge levels of data collection and analysis by our skilled team of Geneticists and Technicians.
Since the beginning of Genesus the total number of phenotypes is over 10.6 million and come from all herds enrolled in our global genetic services program.
- Litter phenotypes > 6.2 million
- Live animal ultrasound measures > 2.8 million
- Pedigree database purebred 3.4 million Yorkshire, Landrace, Duroc
To have globally competitive genetics it takes a big investment and effort. Genesus has and will continue the ongoing journey to make better pigs and pork.