New Program Encourages Giving Pork to Food Pantries.
The Iowa Pork Producers Association (IPPA) has announced that it will support county pork producer organizations in Iowa in their efforts to make pork donations to local food pantries.
The Pork in the Pantry program will reimburse county pork groups that make pork product donations to food pantries in the same county.
“Our local communities are important to all of us,” says IPPA President Trish Cook. “Our industry creates local jobs and supports local businesses. But, there are other people in our communities that are facing economic challenges, and we want to support them with the great food that we produce.”
IPPA’s Pork in the Pantry program, developed with input from its promotions committee, will reimburse up to $1000 for each county pork group that buys and delivers pork products to their county food pantries. This can be either through one large donation, or several smaller donations during the eligibility timeframe. This year, that runs through April 8.
Guidelines and requirements for the program can be found at www.iowapork.org/pork-in-the-pantry-program/.