Developing a plan for swine vaccination administration is more than a good idea. It can help producers keep various health considerations top of mind for their animals. Iowa Pork Industry Center has released a new publication in chart format that provides a list of diseases, time of administration, and based on risk, available product types. It also has a section for pet pigs.
Chris Rademacher, Iowa State University extension swine veterinarian and IPIC interim director, said this listing is a great resource and those who compiled it hope it offers timely reminders.
“We want producers and pig owners to look through this file and use it as a starting point for conversations with their veterinarian,” he said. “Age, health status, disease pressure, and purpose all impact which vaccines should be administered in swine.”
Rademacher said the publication is a set of general guidelines and NOT a one-size-fits-all protocol.
“Producers should work with a veterinarian who has a valid Veterinary Client Patient Relationship (VCPR) to create a final vaccine protocol, and set up a vaccination schedule,” he said.
The two-page “Swine Vaccination Considerations IPIC 206” is available at no charge on the ISU Extension Store.