Hormel Foods Company Information About California Proposition 12

Hormel Foods has been ready for Prop 12 since January 2022 and remains ready to serve customers and consumers in the State of California.

Updated Statement
Updated statement on California Proposition 12 and Massachusetts Question 3 Space Requirements for Animal Housing available for review here.

More Info

Hormel Foods has assessed Proposition 12 and Question 3, and while we are still awaiting final clarity on specific details and rules, the company is preparing to fully comply when these laws go into effect. The company’s Applegate portfolio of products already complies with Proposition 12 and Massachusetts Question 3.

Hormel Foods has confirmed that it faces no risk of material losses from compliance with Proposition 12 and Question 3. While these measures will add complexity to our supply chain, including costs associated with compliance, California and Massachusetts are important markets for Hormel Foods and we will continue to meet the needs of our consumers and customers throughout these states.

As a global branded food company, we have a broad range of products that we currently sell in California and Massachusetts – from SKIPPY® peanut butter to Wholly® guacamole. Proposition 12 and Question 3 impact the company’s fresh pork business. Hormel Foods is currently working with its supply chain to implement internal processes for segregation and SKU expansion. We are currently working through supply and logistics planning surrounding affected products, but expect a full range of compliant products to be available in both retail and foodservice. We will continue to work closely with our customers to ensure that our consumers in these states will still be able to purchase the Hormel Foods products they depend upon.

Update Jan. 1, 2022

Beginning Jan. 1, 2022, Hormel Foods products required to be Proposition 12 compliant to be sold in the state of California are compliant. A compliance letter is available to retailers and consumers, upon request, that state the company’s compliance. Additionally, commencing on Jan. 1, 2022, Hormel Foods has chosen to voluntarily comply with the California Department of Food & Agriculture draft regulation and all bills of lading, weight manifests and invoices for shipments for sales into California will bear the statement “Pork CA Prop 12 Compliant.” Other products that do not bear that statement and are shipped into California for transshipment or export or to another federally inspected establishment in the state of California will bear the statement “Not Prop 12 Compliant” or “Only for use at Mxxx” (where the x’s represent the establishment number for the destination facility).