Shares of Hormel Foods Corp. HRL, -6.56% slid 6.56% to $46.98 Thursday, on what proved to be an all-around great trading session for the stock market, with the S&P 500 Index SPX, +0.30% rising 0.30% to 3,966.85 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, +0.46% rising 0.46% to 31,656.42. This was the stock’s third consecutive day of losses. Hormel Foods Corp. closed $8.13 below its 52-week high ($55.11), which the company reached on April 21st.
The stock underperformed when compared to some of its competitors Thursday, as Tyson Foods Inc. Cl A TSN, -0.74% fell 0.74% to $74.82, Conagra Brands Inc. CAG, -0.23% fell 0.23% to $34.30, and JBS S/A ADR JBSAY, -2.79% fell 2.79% to $11.14. Trading volume (4.6 M) eclipsed its 50-day average volume of 1.3 M.