JBS To Double Pork Production In Brazil

Brazil’s JBS has announced it is building a feed factory in Seberi, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

The new unit is expected to generate up to 110 direct jobs, and the production will supply pig farmers in 36 nearby municipalities, the company said.

The meatpacking firm is investing around R$ 250 million (€47 million) in the project and JBS is betting on the potential of the Seberi region to expand Seara’s pork processing capabilities in Rio Grande do Sul.

Pig Farming

Currently, the company has more than 40 feed mills in operation in the south, southeast and midwest regions of the country.

JBS said with the increase in feed supply, the outgrowers will be able to double pig farming capacity by the end of 2023, making the region the main producer of pig farming in the state.

New Facility

Located on the same plot of land as the Seberi industrial plant, the new feed factory occupies a total area of ​​63,000 square meters, of which 48,000 square meters have already been constructed. This will have the capacity to produce 50,000 tonnes of raw material per month.

JBS said the construction of this new feed factory is part of a series of investments announced by JBS in April 2021, totalling R$ 1.7 billion (€322 million), in Rio Grande do Sul.

The contributions made in the 2021 to 2023 period include expansion and improvements in units in seven cities, including Seberi.