Montana youth swine exhibitors and breeders have been recognized by the Montana Symbol of Excellence program. The program annually honors both 4-H and FFA youth and swine breeders who raise market swine that meet quality standards and show a commitment to producing quality pork products.
The Montana Symbol of Excellence program evaluates carcass and ultrasound data on swine from across Montana, with 32% qualifying in 2022 to be Symbol of Excellence swine, according to Rose Malisani, MSU Extension agent in Cascade County and Montana Symbol of Excellence coordinator. The Symbol of Excellence standards are based on evaluations of live weight, hot carcass weight, back fat, loin area, marbling, color, wetness, muscle and firmness. Malisani added that the swine were raised and exhibited by 4-H and FFA youth who committed to a market swine project from beginning to end.
“The number of swine reported for the Montana Symbol of Excellence has increased, with many outstanding swine being shown by 4-H and FFA members across Montana,” Malisani said. “You can see the hard work from across the state when you look at the quality pork products being produced.”
The Montana Pork Producers Council, along with former MSU Extension Swine Specialists Wayne Gipp and Walt Neuman, created the Montana Symbol of Excellence program before the Pork Act of 1985 to highlight the dedicated work of both youth exhibitors and swine breeders. Data from the program helps the swine industry overall, from young students to experienced pork producers, Malisani said.
The 2022 top youth exhibitors and swine breeders are listed below by division:
Light carcass division:
- Brielle Berk, Ravalli County. Ryan Toenjes, swine breeder.
- Tenley Lien, Phillips County. Cain Super Sires, swine breeder.
- Kaycee Stene, Sweet Grass County. Cain Super Sires, swine breeder.
- Jeremy Madruga, Ravalli County. Russ Hudson, swine breeder.
- Lily Gardner, Ravalli County. Bolles Show Pigs, swine breeder.
Heavy carcass division:
- Brooklynn Reid, Lincoln County. Cain Super Sires, swine breeder.
- Reece Dennis, Ravalli County. BBB Farm Pigs, swine breeder.
- Kyra Marmon, Lake County. Ted North, swine breeder.
- Alaina Barger, Tri-County Fair. Custis Show Pigs, swine breeder.
- Brody Dahl, Tri-County Fair. John Smith, swine breeder.
Ultrasound division:
- Colton Anderson, Custer County. Millers Show Pigs, swine breeder.
- Jessa Morris, Flathead County. Deaton Show Pigs, swine breeder.
- Emily Benson, Flathead County. Cain Super Sire, swine breeder.
- Riley O’Donnell, Richland County. Full Throttle Show Pigs, swine breeder.
- Hannah Richman, Blaine County. Gruszie Show Pigs, swine breeder.
For more information about the Montana Symbol of Excellence program, contact Malisani at 406-454-6980.