SowBridge distance educational program for pork producers announces 2023 schedule

This message is your personal invitation to subscribe to SowBridge 2023, a distance educational program, offered monthly on Zoom, that brings leading experts on current topics that are critical for successful sow and pork production operations.

Pigs in pen.
Photo by the National Pork Board.

SowBridge is a distance educational program, offered monthly on Zoom, that brings leading experts on current topics that are critical for successful sow and pork production operations. Presentations are typically about 30 minutes long and save plenty of time for a Q&A portion. They are geared specifically for people who work on sow and other pork production operations. The scheduled dates and topics for presentation during the 2023 season, along with registration instructions, can be found at the SowBridge Box platform.

The schedule, cost and method of delivery remain the same as this past year.

  • Sessions are set for the first Wednesday of each month (except the fifth session has been moved up one week to avoid World Pork Expo conflicts) beginning at 11:15 a.m. Central time (12:15 p.m. in Michigan).
  • The fee is $200 for the first registration from an entity and half that for subsequent registrations from the same entity. Each registration provides access to one Zoom connection (or call-in) per session and all program materials. Please copy the form as needed to submit registrations on an individual basis.
  • All sessions are held via Zoom and you can either join the live event via the link or app OR call in by phone. We will provide the presentation materials ahead of time through an online folder and will record the sessions for limited availability post-session. Note that having and using a camera on your device for the video portion of Zoom is not necessary.

Access to all session materials will be provided via download links in email messages.

On the registration form, we ask for the number of employees in your operation and the number of animals over which you have influence. These answers will help us serve you better and assist us in showing the representation of breeding herd size, location and participation on regional, national and international bases. (We do not share your contact information with anyone outside the SowBridge program without your permission, and any input you provide in any manner is not individually identified.)

The linked brochure can be saved and used to register for the upcoming SowBridge program year.

This program is for you, and we hope you recognize the value of the opinions you’ve provided through both your communications with us and your contributions to the post-session surveys during the year.

Please forward this message to anyone you think might be interested in participating, and let me know if you have any questions. On behalf of the SowBridge organizing committee, we look forward to working with you through the SowBridge 2023 distance educational program.