November 2021
Philippe Mallétroit, Director France, Genesus Inc.
Pork prices don’t seem to get any better in Europe. First week of November showed no significant change in Europe’s hog markets, despite being reduced to only 4 working days in some countries due to November 1st public holiday.
Pig producers continue to suffer from health crises, African Swine Fever on one side and Covid on the other. In North West Germany slaughter delays are a direct consequence of lack of staff.
In France, last week, the hog price remained stable at 1.23 € per kg carcass weight. Fewer pigs have been slaughtered last week (only 4 working days) with a heavier average carcass weight at 95.78 kg (+ 789 g). This week, we expect carcasses weight to continue to increase, as another public holiday will shorten the workweek (Thursday 11th of November, Armistice Day)
Feed prices continue to increase
In October, excluding soy, all raw materials have seen a price increase. At 260 € per Ton, wheat price is close to the 2008 record high. This year, corn harvest is 3 weeks behind, with October corn price 26% higher than in October 2020. Rapeseed meal 294 €/Ton, and sunflower meal 309 €/Ton.
It seems feed price will continue on this path, without any improvement in sight before next year. Hard times for pig producers indeed.
Source : Marché du Porc Breton, IFIP