Before departing for the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center in Aurora Colorado for the 54th annual AASV meeting Dr Joe Connor received his Swine Hall of Fame plaque in Carthage Illinois. It was a great culmination over the last few months since being inducted and finally receiving the recognition of one of the greatest in the Swine industry.
“It is a true honor to receive this Hall Of Fame induction. Being honored with the late great Bill Prestage speaks for the height of this achievement and recognition and I am truly humbled.” States Joe Connor Veterinarian & Founder of Carthage Veterinary Services.
“‘The goal of creating a Hall of Fame is to recognize leaders and excellence in our industry and celebrate them through this special and dedicated forum. Now it is time to reflect, learn, and grow as we bring these stories, along with celebration of accomplishments and legend/myths to light and honor these inductees for their success and how they helped “pave the way.” States Jim Eadie from Swineweb.com and Hall of Fame chair.
If you missed Dr. Joe Connors Hall of Fame interview visit here: Dr. Joe Connor, Swine Web Hall of Fame induction interview
Visit Swineweb.com for everything you need to know in the Pork Industry and Swinehalloffame.com to visit the Swine Hall of Fame.