Stories and Perspectives from the Farm Organics, GMOs, Ag Podcasts, Mental Health, By Pork Producer Wanda Patsche


Minnesota Winter . . . On days like this, I envy the pigs. They don’t know it is -11 degrees out. I, on the other hand, do. And I am feeling it. The good news is that our snow has been minimal. But I am sure that will change. I was going through some old pictures and came across one where we had a snow drift up to the second level of our house. I will share the picture on my next Substack.

Pigs are getting close to the weight of selling. Market weight is about 280 pounds. When they arrived on our farm (about 5 months ago), they were about 13-15 pounds. Yes, they grow quickly.

This is also the time of year when we purchase our crop inputs for next year. So far, we have purchased our seed, herbicides, and fertilizers—not cheap. Ag is really struggling because commodity prices are down, and expenses are up. Unlike other businesses, we don’t set the prices we sell at. We have to take the price that is offered to us.

In the News

Okay, with the election behind us, things are about to get crazy with the new administration. I am particularly concerned about Robert Kennedy. I agree that we need to relook at our foods. I agree we have an obesity problem. I don’t disagree that we need to make some changes. But what worries me most is the comments he is making that are false.

I just ask that we all look at the facts. Follow people who have a science background and make decisions based on facts. I am reading so many false claims that it scares me.

As a farmer, we grow corn and soybeans. The corn is used for pig feed and we also sell to an ethanol plant. Soybeans are primarily used for livestock feed and also soybean oil. Again, I am reading so many stories about how soy oil is bad for us.

Please do your research.

Are Organics Better?

Another area that Robert Kennedy is talking about is organic foods.

So, are organic foods better for us?

No, they are not. Organic farming uses pesticides, and sometimes, there are many more pesticides than non-organic produce. Organic produce is not better—it is just a different way of growing the products.

I am not against consuming organics. In fact, I buy organics if I feel they taste better or if they are grown locally. We have a local organic farmer and I purchase his products regularly.

And what about GMOs?

Yes, we grow GMO crops. There are so many advantages to growing GMO crops. Less herbicide use. Better crops. Better weed control. As a farmer, it’s a no-brainer. Check out this link 10 Things To Know About GMOs

Will Farming Change in the Future?

Talk about the million-dollar question. Of course it will, but how much? Questions about how do we keep our costs down if the commodity prices don’t increase? I have read recently that farmers can only become so efficient. Also thoughts about producing too much – especially in the commodity arena.I don’t think I have the forethought to know what is going to happen. Also, what impact will AI have? I am probably in the later stages of my farming career, and I am concerned if I can comprehend it all. One way I try to keep myself informed is by listening to podcasts. Here are a few of my favorite ag-related podcasts (with Spotify links)

The Vance Crowe Podcast

Top Producer Podcast by Paul Neiffer

Science Facts and Fallacies

Barn Talk


The Business of Agriculture with Damian Mason

    • Keep busy. This may mean fixing things on the farm that you would normally wait on, even if it’s just little things. It’s therapeutic, trust me.
    • Make sure you are rested. Take care of yourself. Eat properly.
    • Get off the farm. Or take a walk, Or go to a movie. Or go out to eat. Better yet, invite some other farmer friends and go out to eat. And talk about it (yes, refer to #1). Whatever you do, don’t isolate yourself.
    • Keep your humor. Laugh at yourself. Laugh at your circumstances–even if it’s inappropriate. It may seem inappropriate. Give yourself permission. It’s okay and good for you to laugh, even if it makes absolutely no sense.
    • Do something you enjoy. And if you have to, tell yourself it’s okay to do something you enjoy. Sometimes, you just need to talk to yourself.
    • And pray. There just are things that are completely out of your control. Don’t shoulder the burden. Pass it on to God.

And with that, I wish nothing but the best for all of you.