1. What first interested you in working with a large farming company, and how did you get started in this field?
“In high school, I accidentally enrolled in an Animal Science class, which connected me with a teacher who encouraged my interest in agriculture. I worked at a tree farm, produce farm, and with a local dairy vet, which sparked my passion for food animal agriculture. At North Carolina State University, I was introduced to pigs, leading me to pursue opportunities in pig production throughout my undergraduate and veterinary education. This field allowed me to combine my interests in animal husbandry, business, population health, and operations management, and I haven’t looked back since.”
2. What do you find most rewarding about being part of a company that plays such an important role in agriculture and hog farming?
“Providing food to people across the world is such a blessing, and our daily work has a chance to impact people at a very fundamental level. I take a lot of pride in being a part of the protein supply chain, and hope that the products we offer not only provide nourishment, but an opportunity for people to connect over a simple meal.”
3. Farming methods have evolved significantly—what are some of the practices CVFF uses to ensure high standards in hog care and quality?
“Pig production is like a lot of industries in that technological advances have helped us really progress in how we care for our animals. Modern pig production started in the 1990s, and we have seen significant changes in multiple areas. For example, the industry has started to migrate away from crates and is moving towards open pens for our sows. Research over the years has led to significant advancements in genetics, animal health, reproduction, and nutrition. Our industry is more efficient and sustainable than ever! We continue to find new ways of completing our daily tasks that ultimately lead to better outcomes for our pigs.”
4. What are some key things to know about the feed and care that hogs receive to ensure their health and quality?
“We feed custom-tailored diets to all of our pigs to optimize growth, and we prescribe specific plans of care to keep our pigs healthy. Our company is lucky enough to employ a team of subject matter experts in areas ranging from veterinary medicine and animal welfare to nutrition, grain science, feed milling, and environmental management. These experts collaborate across their fields of knowledge to provide our animals world-class feed and care.”
5. Can you tell us a bit about the different environments or facilities where hogs are raised and how those settings support their growth?
“Modern hog production is built around a concept called ‘multi-site’ production where animals move locations as they progress through different stages of growth. Each of these sites is designed to provide the animals with the unique needs (food, water, space, and air) they have at each age. The barns and housing systems are designed to provide climate-controlled environments so that our pigs can thrive. Our facilities are decked out with all the bells and whistles! Touch-screen controllers, electronic sow feeders, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth ultrasound monitors, radio-frequency ID tags, alarm systems, and UV chambers to name a few. All of this technology is designed to help us provide better care for our animals.”